Urid Ram – Orang Sungai

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Urid Ram was born in 1961. He is from the Orang Sungai indigenous group. He lives in rural Matanggal of Paitan sub-district, where 50 percent of the vast land areas are covered with oil palm plantations.

Urid is a plantation worker. Every morning, he wakes up before the sun rises. He doesn’t have a wristwatch and a clock to tell time, what more a smartphone.

Urid and his wife will then prepare breakfast before going to the plantation to collect palm fruits together.

Usually, the couple spends a few hours working and then return home when it is almost noon. They will know it is noontime when the sun is hot. Otherwise, Urid just estimates.

At noontime, Urid will have lunch with his wife, after which he will rest and take a nap. Dinner for Urid’s family starts right after the sun has set. It is always a simple meal – rice, vegetables, sweet potato, and sometime chicken.


Urid Ram dilahirkan pada tahun 1961. Dia berasal dari suku kaum Orang Sungai. Dia tinggal di pedalaman Matanggal yang terletak di daerah kecil Paitan, dimana 50 peratus keluasan tanah diliputi oleh ladang-ladang kelapa sawit.

Urid berkerja di ladang kelapa sawit. Setiap hari, Urid akan bangun sebelum matahari terbit. Dia tidak mempunyai jam tangan ataupun jam dinding untuk mengetahui waktu, apatah lagi telefon pintar.

Urid dan isterinya akan menyediakan sarapan sebelum sama-sama ke ladang untuk memungut hasil buah kelapa sawit.

Mereka akan meluangkan beberapa jam bekerja dan ketika hampir tengah hari, mereka pulang ke rumah. Mereka tahu waktu hampir tengah hari apabila matahari terik. Jika tidak, Urid hanya akan mengagak masa.

Biasanya, Urid akan makan tengah hari bersama isterinya. Selepas itu dia akan berehat dan tidur siang. Makan malam untuk keluarga Urid bermula selepas matahari terbenam. Makan malam selalunya sederhana – nasi berlaukkan sayur, ubi manis, dan kadangkala ayam.

Urid Ram and his wife returning from nearby plantation, where they collect oil palm fruits, in rural Matanggal, Paitan.

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